Quoted in eCampus News

eCampus News

Open universities offer students a shot at learning for free and the freedom of doing so remotely. It’s a really cool movement in education. eCampus News just did a feature on the subject and I was lucky enough to be one of their sources. Here’s the pertinent chunk so you don’t have to register on their goofy site:

Chris Lesinski, a blogger who tracks education technology trends, credited institutions like MIT and Stanford University for making lectures available online for anyone to download and watch, but said an entire college education via the internet and without cost could remain a foreign concept for traditionalists in campuses’ Ivory Towers.

“Universities aren’t exactly forward thinking all the time,” Lesinski said. “I think it’s the main thing that holds back open universities. … There’s a technophobia there. People who are still using AOL for their eMails are the ones running the universities.”

Hot, huh?

[via eCampus News]